Tragic to My Eyes

Should animals have rights just as we do? Is consuming meat necessary? Is it okay for animals to live in bad conditions just so we can get a meal from them? While you answer those questions in your head, I strongly believe that we can all agree that seeing someone being harmed or miss treated is a tragic thing to watch. In addition to that why do we allow it to happen towards healthy animals? Animals are not the only food source humans need to survive. Animals are living in bad conditions due to them becoming food for us. There should be a way for us to eliminate the making of meat to end the suffering of animals. 
  Furthermore, reducing the making of animals means they won’t have to suffer anymore. Animals are taken for granted every day. How many of us have been driving and we see a trailer filled with chickens getting ready to be taken to the factory where their throats are slit, and their eggs taken. Pigs, chickens, cows, etc. they don’t deserve the way they are treated.  For example, Harari quoted: “They lock animals in tiny cages, mutilate their horns and tails, separate mothers from offspring and selectively monstrosities.” This means they separate mothers from their babies and throw them into tiny cages. I don’t know about you, but if I was in an uncomfortable place all I would do is complain. How can we allow animals to be miss treated and suffer everyday while we live comfortably every day? In my opinion it’s just very unfair. What will we do when there are no more animals left? What alternative will we find? 
            Another way we can cut down the making of meat is for it to become more expensive so that they can reduce the making of it. Meat isn’t the most expensive thing in the grocery stores, but it should be. Animals suffer in order for us to go buy them at the grocery stores. It’s sad how we put no value on animals. People take for granted how animals are even made. When you enter the meat section at a store what do we see. We see pigs’ feet, chicken thighs, breast, turkey, beef, cow tongue etc. Honestly, we see it all. For example, a quote from Peter Singer: “The case against using animals for food is at its strongest when animals are made to lead miserable lives so that their flesh can be made available to humans at the lowest possible cost.” What this means is that animals are basically born to suffer. They are born to be sold at a grocery store for the lowest cost possible and available for anyone to have. I strongly agree that if people feel like we completely need to produce meat that their prices should go high up so that hopefully the stop of reproducing it so much could go up. 
            Singer also says that “meat production...confine sentient animals in cramped, unsuitable conditions for the entire duration of their lives. They are treated like machines that convert fodder into flesh.”  What he basically saying that animals are tight together not having so many rooms to move and they are there to be killed not to live. It is not fair animals just to be born, raised, and fed so like us people just later on they can be killed just for our own good. In dominion movie animals like pigs were so tight together and also dirty. The people that work at the farm didn’t even care to clean up the animal and to even make room for the animals to have some space, so they walk around at least. I don’t know about you but when I did see that video, it would bother me the fact that animals are in a situation like that. It’s like imagining a bunch of people in a tight room that are sick, not clean, and mistreated. It’s horrible! Humans should think and remember that is torture and put their self in a position like that and see if they could go through it like these poor animals are. Animals are not different than a human being. They have almost the same preference as like us.
            We as people are so speciesism and that is very wrong. Singer quoted that “To avoid speciesism, we must stop these practices.”  I agree with singer to avoid any of these killing and mistreating animals’ we humans needs to stop thinking we are above than these other species. We give the idea of less interest of animals. I typically think us humans think that since animals are not same species as us than we think it’s okay to kill another species. Animals are sentients just like humans do. Animals should have rights just like us humans have rights also. It should not be an argument about nonhumans living, treated, and kill. It needs to stop soon. It is no reason to even talk about it because I think it’s bad that we keep going. I think it’s very selfish to continue to live and know that thousands of animals are getting killed to feed us. It hurts me that cruelty still continues and it’s not even big in news nor there is signs out in the streets to catch people attentions. The debate of animals right still continues to keep going because typically no one basically cares nor does the government.
            Overall, I believe that meat can be reduce, become expensive, and animals should have rights. It is very unnecessary for thousands of animals getting killed every day for us to consume and even get thrown away when we don’t finish eating our plate. Meat is not expensive at all. It needs to become expensive because animals are valuable. It has become to my intentions that animals’ rights are still going on and we have humans think that is okay to kill another species but not our own. It is very wrong to be killing and not knowing the pain and distress we are doing towards these animals. Animals are getting mistreated from humans and there’s videos out there that people can see how animals process is to lead to getting killed. It needs more attention to it. Actions are louder than word so people that are out here speaking needs to make action for these poor animals.
